[Continued from "The Day of Fuck (Cock No. 1)."]

After sleeping for a few hours, I was woken up by Isis’ nails click-clacking on the hardwood floor.  I took her out and then went back to bed.  After a short time sleeping (re-sleeping?) I got up to take out the other dog in my charge.  I was puppy- and kitty-sitting for my neighbors; I had to take out their dog, which was sleeping in his crate in my downstairs bathroom.  Sounds mean to some, but he was used to sleeping in his crate in the downstairs bathroom in his own apartment, which looks almost exactly like mine, so he was not uncomfortable.

I took out the other dog and checked my calendar.  I had a date!  In the morning.  Fun.  I was a tad sore from the acrobatics with the Viking the night before, but I was up for another good, hard pounding.

He was to arrive at 9am.  He was scheduled to arrive not at my place, but at my neighbor’s place, the home of the dog and cat I was caring for.  I didn’t bother dressing.  After all, we were going to fuck, not go out.

He and I never went out.  Let me back up.  He and I had only ever seen each other one time before.  He was referred to me by a friend.  She said he was a great fuck, sent me some photos, and gave us each others’ email addresses.  I wanted to meet at a bar, but I didn’t know that 1) he didn’t drink, and 2) that he had a girlfriend who was very not cool with him having relations with people not her.

So the first time we saw each other he came over to my house, we had a great fuck, and then he left.  For several months following we exchanged text messages and dirty phone pictures.  We tried on several occasions to get together, but his need to be sneaky or my living situation prevented things from actually occurring.

When he actually showed up on the Day of Fuck, I barely recognized him.  He was hotter than I remembered.  I did recall that he had a lot of tattoos, but I didn’t know that he was such a snazzy dresser.  He was wearing a newsboy cap; some guys look really hot in newsboy caps.

We chit-chatted for a bit.  I had heard from our mutual friend that he was getting married soon, or that he had recently gotten married, so I asked him.  He confirmed that he was getting married soon.  Oh, ok.  I didn’t push for further explanation.  I fuck men, and don’t care much about their lives when we’re not fucking.  If he didn’t want to tell me more, that was up to him.

We went up to my neighbor’s bedroom.  I asked if he had condoms; he didn’t.  Hmmm.  Well, that was ok, as all I had to do was walk two floors down in my building and get condoms from my bedroom.  Once in my bedroom I figured I might as well grab some toys, too.  I got my Hitachi Magic Wand as well as the NJoy Pure Wand, some lube, and condoms.

All of these things I put in a woven plastic bag, the kind sold for hardly anything in developing nations; I got mine in Thailand.  It wasn’t the prettiest of bags but then I had to transport my goods from floor two to floor four of my building so it didn’t matter all that much.  The ‘Mate commented that I needed a better bag for my sex accoutrement; something like a doctor’s bag.

Yes, I would very much like a bag that always had toys, condoms, and lube, available for me to take off for fucking at a moment’s notice.  A Doctor Bag of Fuck because I am a Doctor of Fuck.  I am a DF.  He he.

With supplies in hand I went to my neighbor’s place; went to their bedroom; plugged in the Magic Wand; showed him the Pure Wand, lube, and condoms; undressed; and got in bed.  He took his clothes off and joined me.  He had a lot of tattoos.  None on his face, but pretty much everywhere else.  HOT.

I sucked his cock a bit.  But as is inevitable when I suck cock, I wanted to be fucked, so he donned a condom and fucked my pussy.  I told him that I’d been fucking a lot recently so he was going to have to be a little gentle.  And I meant it, I really did.  I meant both that I had been fucking a lot and that he should be gentle.

Only I like fucking when my pussy is kind of sore.  Other than using some lube, he really didn’t have to be all that gentle with me.  He fucked me nice and hard.  Then I grabbed the Magic Wand and used it on my clit while he fucked me flat on my back.  He rubbed his cock up against the Magic Wand as well.  We were both feeling rather good with cock pounding into my cunt and clit and cock vibrating.

I came, rather loudly and rather hard.  The Magic Wand had served its purpose and was tossed aside.  Then I turned over so he could fuck me from behind, my favorite way to get my pussy pounded.

I asked him to come on my back.  He asked when.  Anytime, please.  He fucked me for a little while longer and then pulled his cock out, pulled the condom off, and came on my back.  A lot of come.

He got up to shower, I stayed on my stomach relishing the feeling of his come cooling on my back.  I declined his offer of a towel because I liked the way the come felt.  Eventually, I put my t-shirt on, letting it stick to the come.

I looked at the clock and it was only just after 9:30.  What?  He had arrived at 9am, I had to go get stuff from my apartment, we fucked, and he showered in about a half hour.  But it was fucking great fucking.  I certainly didn’t complain.  He seemed to have a good time.  We both came.  We both agreed that we shouldn’t again wait so long between fucks.

He went to work and I went home to rest up for my second date of the day.

He got married the next day.

[To be continued … the Day of Fuck was epic.]

I swear.  True story.
