Tag Archives: D/s

Photo Lotto 13

This looks nice, doesn’t it?  The satin sheet is tacky but I otherwise don’t have any complaints on this one.  I like that they don’t even look like people, just parts; as if the photo is less about people having … Continue reading

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Photo Lotto 12

This looks like a whole lot of fun.  I really like the look of  asymmetrical suspensions.  The rigging work must’ve taken a while, and the suspendee probably feels really good for having gotten trussed up so.  Good, as in turned … Continue reading

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Warren’s “Cheating” (8)

[Continued from "Warren's 'Cheating' (7)."] The rest of the week went as he imagined. Each night, every ten minutes, he received another picture or short movie clip. He continued to send text messages and leave her voicemails, sometimes up to … Continue reading

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I’m Not Complaining (4)

[Continued from "I'm Not Complaining (3)."] I’m not complaining that they didn’t offer to buy my lunch.  Instead, when the check came he said they’d split it three ways.  Only it didn’t seem to be split three ways because she … Continue reading

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January 29, 1992: A Diary Entry (2)

honest to god think I’m obsessed w/sex got to thinking that eating ice cream is like really good sex only you don’t have to get in a relationship with the ice cream before you eat it now I’m thinking oh … Continue reading

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It Seemed Promising (Part 4)

[Continued from "It Seemed Promising (Part 3)."] He was not only manhandling me, someone who had consented to it, but he was being mean to his dogs.  He argued that taking them out every 12 hours was sufficient.  I’ve seen … Continue reading

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It Seemed Promising (Part 3)

[Continued from "It Seemed Promising (Part 2)."] As it was getting decidedly close to the time we were to meet, I decided to message the guy via the OkCupid app.  Though I had given him my number, he hadn’t used … Continue reading

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