8:53 am

Well found out what the hell is going on with Erica. She was being a butt and ranking on me because Juree wants to get back together and she’s going to do it. [I was just used to prove to Juree that Erica can be good.]  She was trying to get me so tired of her that I’d break up with her ’cause she’s too slimy and doesn’t have the guts to do anything right. She told me Friday night at work after we were off. I had to get really angry and confront her before she’d tell me the truth. I was so filled with rage that I couldn’t be in the same room as her for fear that I’d hurt her. So I walked home but stopped to collapse to cry and take the chain off to throw it in a field. When I was going up our hill, Shannon came driving up and Erica hopped out of the passenger’s seat. I told her I did not want to talk to her but she wanted to prove to me that everything I said wasn’t true – that I was only a time filler, that she didn’t love me, that she was just waiting for Juree.

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