I had a date with the Vet to go to the Make-Out Room for a monthly fund raising event for The Rumpus.  I wanted to go to see an acquaintance do a reading, and the Vet volunteered to be my patron.  Apparently when he checked out the event it looked good ā€“ to him and his wife.

He texted and asked if it was ok for his wife to come along.  Sure.  I’d never met her, but the Vet had talked about her enough that I certainly knew a few things about her.  She liked big cocks, and she was on a search for “the perfect cock.”  Also, she fucked someone I had fucked.  San Francisco is truly small.

It was the Vet who, from each of our descriptions, figured out that both his wife and I had fucked the same guy.  I wasn’t so sure, though, because he told me that she said he was a premature ejaculator.  My friend is no premature ejaculator.  But every other thing the Vet said about the guy sounded like my friend.

I asked my friend.  He assured me he did not ejaculate prematurely.  He said the sex wasn’t particularly hot, but they fucked for at least ten minutes.

When informed of my friend’s description of the fucking, the Vet’s wife laughed.  She said she wished it had been ten minutes of fucking.  She said he hadn’t bothered to take her to dinner when she said she was hungry.  That last part definitely sounded like him; he’s generally pretty cheap.

So I wanted to meet the woman who had an interesting encounter with a friend.  A friend, by the way, I’ve decided not to fuck again.  It wasn’t the discrepancy with Mrs. Vet’s story, it was so many other things.  For instance, he creeped out a girl I was fucking by staring at her, but only when I wasn’t in the room.  Also, I find his cheapness supremely unattractive.  He gets laid plenty anyway.

The Vet told me that not only would Mrs. Vet be going, but also her date.  They’re like that, fucking other people and all.

He called ahead and asked if we should meet at the Make-Out Room or if they could come in.  My place wasn’t too, too messy, and I had some vodka so I could offer them refreshments, so I told them to come in.

In my front door walked four people, the Vet, Mrs. Vet, Mrs. Vet’s date, and another woman.  Introductions were made all around and I went to work making drinks for my guests.  The Vet had been to my home before and wanted to show off my place to his friends.  He asked if he could take his wife’s date upstairs to the bedroom.

I thought it was a little odd, but then realized the Vet wanted to show Mrs. Vet’s date the Drawer O’ Sex.  Sure, no problem.  I’m glad to show off my pervyness, obviously.

The Vet returned from the bedroom with the njoy Pure Wand.  It was the Vet who introduced me to the Pure Wand.  He let me borrow his.  I loved it so much that the Viking bought me one for my birthday.  Mrs. Vet, for whom the Vet’s Pure Wand was intended, was apparently intimidated by it and didn’t miss it when it was in my possession.  When my Pure Wand was in front of her she looked scared.  She hefted its weight and showed it to everyone assembled.

With our conversation properly in the sexual realm and our drinks drunk, we made our way to the Make-Out Room.  The Vet got drinks while we got a table.  The place was packed so finding a place to stand next to a table was no small feat.  Mrs. Vet and her date started making out pretty much immediately.  I suppose it was appropriate considering the moniker of the venue.

The Vet introduced me to his friend, a woman he had met through OkCupid.  I had also met the Vet through OkCupid; that site is very good to him.  The woman was tall and British.  After just a bit of conversation I realized who she was.  She was the woman who had fucked an OkCupid guy who I had also fucked.  Other than the Vet, that is.

In our little group of three women and two men we had quite a few interesting fuck connections.  The Vet had fucked all three women.  I had fucked three men who had also fucked either Mrs. Vet or the Brit, or both.  Mrs. Vet had fucked both men (I assume).  The men hadn’t fucked each other and none women had fucked any of the other women.


[To be continued.]

I swear.  True story.
