Since the move I’ve been doing a lot of purging.  It’s been great to get rid of things we don’t need or want.  A lot went to charity, some went in the trash, some I’ll take to the local UPS store.  I shredded about ten years’ worth of my life which translated into three huge trash bags full of what is now packing materials.  The guy at the UPS store said they could use the packing materials any time I wanted to bring them in.  Good, because I hate wasting things.

I hate wasting things so much that I’ve sent my old TiVo to someone who said he wanted it.  Gratis.  He says he’ll reimburse me for the shipping, but I’m not holding my breath.  I just hope he can get some use out of a perfectly good TiVo with lifetime service included.  It had been sitting around literally collecting dust (which I did not bother removing before boxing up the machine) for years.

Some things just had to be thrown away because, well, it’s gross to use someone else’s sex toys unless you know the person and are using safer sex practices and all that.  I’m pretty sure there are no charities that are willing to resell sex toys, even if they aren’t pre-used.  So in the trash the toys had to go.

Why would I throw away sex toys?!  Why would I throw away sex toys I had never used?  (That one on its side is in original packaging.)  Because I was organizing the Drawer O’ Sex.  Some of the toys I had used and hated (the greenish thing at the bottom of the photo) while some I hadn’t bothered to use (those dongs are too small).

From our bedroom window we can see the alley beyond the back yard where trash cans for the buildings on our street are kept.  I’ve seen people go through the trash, as happens in any urban area.  And there are the trash collectors.  And the various people who work in the refuse disposal business.  Really, my discarded sex toys have a chance to be seen by many, many people before their final resting place under other refuse in a landfill.  They’ll be especially easy to see since the trash bag I used was essentially a giant zip lock bag and therefore clear.

With the unneeded toys out of the way, I could organize the Drawer O’ Sex.  Now there’s no need to dig around to find what we’re looking for since everything has a place.  All the lube is in the front right.  The glass toys are nestled in their padded pouches.  My favorite dildo is in its tube up front.  Over to the left is a series of long, skinny, bumpy things for the butt.  Just to the right of those are the fun restraints including a roll of bondage tape.  And the bag of safety pins … those are fun.

I swear.  True story.
