On Christmas Day 2009 I had a really fun threesome with Charles Gatewood and Sugar.  No, it’s true, I really did.

Charles because he is Charles Gatewood, photographer, took some photos that day.  This is one of them.

The light is good but it’s kind of difficult to tell that I am, in fact, fingering a pussy.  I can’t tell what fucking position we’re in at all.  This is a confusing photo.

I forgot I had this and a couple other pictures from that day until I found them when unpacking.  Before the move I kept the photos – old school prints – in my bedroom in a jewelry box that was on my dresser.

I found the photos not in the jewelry box but in two different boxes that were filled with kitchen items.  How the photos made it from a somewhat hidden – at least closed – place in my bedroom to a box in my kitchen is a mystery but I think it goes something like this:  Packer A is a nosy fuck and finds juicy photos in bedroom; Packer A shows juicy photos to Packers B, C, and D, who are working on the kitchen; Packers B, C, and D get their fill and toss juicy photos into whatever box is closest.

Between this, the missing items, and the packing of trash – yes, they literally packed trash – the packers have not impressed me at all.

I swear.  True story.
