1:44 A.M.

I’m walking along Fair Oaks at night after I’ve worked late.  The woman bus driver has just told me to be careful on the way home.  I walk at my usual pace, thinking about getting home to get something to eat and relaxing when I hear someone behind me.  At first I think nothing of it but then realize that the person didn’t get off the bus with me and is now staying at a constant distance behind me.  I slow down my pace to see what’ll happen but the person doesn’t pass me up.  By this time my heart is beating very quickly, my breathing has increased to a pant, and I’m sweating.  My fear makes my feet move faster but then my mind tells me that it’s my imagination.  Yet, I am afraid to look back, what if I do see someone?  By now I’m at my corner and High Life is still lit.  In my relief, I actually forget about my, now imaginary, persuer [sic], who has ceased making any approaching noises.  I get to the door, open it, and go in.  The light I turn on as I go in and I leave the door open to get air circulating.  As I put my stuff on the table, I hear a noise behind me but figure it’s one of my neighbors walking by and I don’t want to seem to nosy so I don’t turn to look.  Suddenly, I am grabbed from behind as I hear the front door shutting.  I don’t scream, instead I try to see who it is.  But he doesn’t let me see him yet.  I am sure it’s a man by his strength and berth.  He pushes me on the bed and while he’s holding my wrists with one hand, his other is pulling my pants and underwear off.  His cock, already hard some time before from my struggles, is out and the weight of his body is on top of me.  He’s holding my arms down to the bed while he roughly enters me.  After a short time of his violent thrusts, he’s had his fill and rolls off of me.
