
Henry was supposed to call me back at eleven.  Of course he didn’t – that would’ve made him too reliable. He’ll probably call me in the morning and wake me up to apologize.

I changed my room/house around today.  I had cleaned yesterday before I went to work ’cause for some lame reason, I could not sleep past 9:30 A.M.  I still have to work on the kitchen though.  And the closet – just some clothes off of the dresser – and the bathroom – stuff for the bulliten [sic] board (which maybe I can fix) and actual cleaning.  Really not (had to get another pen) that time-consuming if I keep my ass in gear.  Laundry too.  I’m out of detergent but have been using one of my great neighbor’s.  I want to get a bunch of pillows for my bed for all along both walls.  I also want to get my Jim Morrison poster framed.  I also want the pain inside my mouth to go away.  It’s on the bottom, right in the back.  It feels like a molar is coming in.  But what if it’s a wisdom tooth that’s not supposed to come in and if it does, it’ll fuck up my teeth and make them crooked?  Nope – I will not have less than perfect teeth.  It’s swollen and hurts – maybe I should call the dentist.

There are some shoes at Sonnie’s I want to get.  They’re only $25 – the same price I paid for a pair of tights I got there.  They are also having a 50% off sale.  But even with the discount the clothes are still expensive.

Now my bed isn’t below the high-traffic area – from the kitchen to the living room – that squeeks.  But now I’m below the bathroom so I have to hear shower water running early every morning.

Of course I don’t have that much floor space but I can’t draw to scale.  I can’t draw period.  What can I do?  I suppose I’ll find out eventually.

I want to do drugs.  I want some acid.  And I’m eagerly awaiting my shipment from Rachel – she said in about a week.  Hurry.  I want to get back to smoking pot every day.  Hell, it’s fun and I have no reason not to.  D.J. is clean again.  She can’t handle her drugs.  She has her beer every day and without it she’s in a bad mood.  I’ve honestly come to the conclusion that I’m a fairly normal drug and alcohol user.  Though when I have pot I do smoke it.  When I don’t have it, I don’t fiend to get it.

Should I go to sleep?  I’m hot.

Where my radio is now, when I move in certain ways, it gets fuzzy.  I have to keep the antenna up too.  How terrible.

I want to put stuff up n my walls but I’m afraid that might make this huge room look a little small.
