This may seem odd, but this photo makes me want to get back into yoga.  Look how flexible she is!

Before we moved, I had been doing yoga on the Wii, but the feedback isn’t overly accurate – it just tells you where your center of gravity is, not if you’re in the right position.  Right now even if I wanted to I can’t do the Wii yoga because while the Wii is set up, there is no room in front of the tv for me to do yoga.

The living room in our new place is really not getting any use at all these days.  There’s my desk, the ad for which is currently on Craig’s List.  There are two coffee tables – mine which can also be a chair, and the Viking’s.  There are two dining chairs which, along with two other dining chairs and a table, are also listed on CL.  There are the two separate halves of my sectional couch, not connected because the pin that is supposed to do that job is nowhere to be found and because there’s no room to put them together anyway.  There’s the Viking’s leather chair which, because it was at his other Bay Area apartment (not the one we shared in San Francisco), has not been sat in for about a year.  There’s the dog bed in front of the fireplace.  And there are boxes.

So many boxes that I think this is now how we live.  Eventually we’ll get everything unpacked, but until we do it’s frustrating and stressful.  I hear yoga’s good for stress.

Luckily, there is a yoga studio on the corner by our new place.  I will be taking classes a few times a week.  Before long, the Viking and I will be having some hot yoga sex.

I swear.  True story.
