I thought I’d make it easy for ol’ Pat/Matt to find me since I’m one of “the dozen or so other people who’ve posted my name on their personal blogs.”  After all, he claimed in his October 25, 2010 post (which has since been removed) (wholly posted courtesy of aaagblog.com) that he was seeking legal counsel:

I have an appointment with an attorney Tuesday [October 26, 2010] morning. We’re going to see what my legal options are against the chicken shits who built the blog above [Expose A Bro].  If I can find out who you are, I promise you I will sue you for so much your fucking great grandchildren will be paying for it.  You’ve cost me a job and a great deal of public embarrassment, and I don’t intend to sit back and let it happen without a fight.  That goes for the Charlie Glickmans and the dozen or so other people who’ve posted my name on their personal blogs as a part of this as well.  I find it ludicrous that so many people are whining about some supposed damage Alexa did when a handful of people are outright destroying another person’s life based on some circumstantial evidence (most of them hiding behind names that aren’t theirs it seems).  But then hypocrisy seems to be the order of the day for a lot of people nowadays.

Thanks for listening.  I’ll also say that I don’t care if you believe me or not, that’s not even relevant at this stage of the game.  Even if everyone who read this did, the damage is already done.  But I am going to pursue legal action against anyone I can connect with this even if I have to take out a second mortgage on my house to do it.

Oh, Pat, you are so naive!  Should you pursue legal action against the many, many anonymous and not-so-anonymous bloggers who have posted anything you may consider to be libelous, you would not only have to take out a second mortgage, you would also be bankrupt and destitute.

Lawyers are expensive.  I should know, I am one.  This is not the type of case a lawyer will take on contingency (that means they’ll wait to take the money on the back end).  Instead, you would have to pay for every hour of your attorney’s time.  A decent lawyer shouldn’t charge less than $200 per hour.  You pay less and you can expect less.

But good luck finding all of us.  I’m certainly not hard to find, nor is Charlie Glickman, but there are many, many bloggers out there who have picked up on this story of a guy who has so much time on his hands that he makes up several aliases and (sort of) keeps them all straight.

What, exactly, would you get from us, once found?  Money, you say?  How?  You would have to prove that our libelous actions, which made you look bad, caused you a measurable loss, such as loss of job or business.  Considering you said you lost your job before many (if not all) of us posted anything about you (my first post with your name was posted on Saturday, October 23, 2010, which I doubt was a day when a government agency conducted business), I’m not sure how you’re going to do that.  Another problem is that you lost your job through your own actions, i.e., conducting non-work-related business at work.  You’ve said so yourself.

But I’m not sure what you think is so libelous here.  We say you and Alexa and Matt are the same person.  So fucking what?  You’ve already admitted that you engaged in illegal activities, i.e., hiring professional escorts to engage in sexual relations with you:

I have spoken with Alexa at length on the phone in the past and she is a female, or sounds like one at least.   She did offer to refer me to other escorts when I expressed an interest in seeing one just to see what it was like.  I created a little blog where I put up a torso photo and described the kind of sex I enjoyed with women based on her suggestion.  I did not know she was bypassing any protocols or rules or anything by doing that for me.  As a point of fact, I have only met with one person she referred me to.  So I’m not sure where all of these women who are claiming I was with them on a referral from her are coming from.  Anyone who makes such a claim should be forced to produce evidence that I was physically there.  Yes, there have been intents to do so and some communications back and forth between myself and several women, but only once have I met with one.  That woman appears to be posting as “M” in a couple of places and is actually providing details of what we did and making up conversations that we supposedly had.  It’s almost as if everyone is trying to outdo everyone else. I do appreciate the fact that she at least acknowledged I treated her well.

And here is where you’ve really fucked up, because I know someone who fucked you – for money.  She talked to me at length about you.  And guess what?  She showed me your blog and she told me that that photo is most definitely you.  Guess what you just did, above?  You admitted that you, Pat are the same person as Matt, the person with the blog who fucked my friend – as a financial transaction.

So the only way you could get anywhere was to prove that you are not Alexa.  If you can do that what does it do for you?  Nothing.  Because no one has said anything about Alexa because she doesn’t exist, everything has been said about you.  And what we said was only that Pat/Matt/Alexa are the same person who acted as escort referral – Alexa (admitted by you) – and escort client – Matt (also admitted by you).

Finally, if Alexa truly exists (and has that female-sounding voice) then where the fuck is she?  She’s a big asshole for letting you, her lowly webmaster, take the fall.  If she did exist, simply accusing you of impersonating her does little measurable harm to your career, as you would have to prove that there are employers who, but for your internet reputation of being her, would have hired you and paid you a certain amount.

I’m guessing that whatever lawyer with whom you met told you as much.  If not, you’re welcome for the free legal advice.

It’s probably time for you to slink away with your fraudulent tail between your legs.  Also, learn how to use semi-colons; they’re your friends.

I swear.  True story.
