Alexa Di Carlo (Part 1)

The big news in the sex blogging world is that Alexa Di Carlo is actually a man.  Actually, that had been speculated for quite some time considering no one had ever met her; she seemed to be really busy, or just bitchy.

Through reliable (read, tech savvy) sources, I had heard almost a year ago that Alexa clearly was not local:  something about IP addresses.  I have no clue how this is done, but I’ve asked the Viking to figure out where a comment to this very blog came from based solely on the IP address of the commenter, and before I knew it he had a Google Maps Street View image of the very car the Ex and I bought back in 2003.  The Ex’s girlfriend was “anonymously” commenting here and asking questions via Formspring.  While I knew it was her, I had no proof, until the Viking showed me that picture.  One tweet indicating I knew where they lived and the harassment stopped.

Funny how when one is exposed one stops doing what one should not have been doing in the first place.  Which is exactly what happened with Alexa.  Now that she’s been outed as not only a he –but also with a name, a location, and an employer – her site no longer exists.  Thank you, Expose a Bro.

I had also heard through reliable sources that there was no way Alexa Di Carlo was in a graduate program in human sexuality anywhere in San Francisco.  And this is where Expose a Bro messed up a bit, because Alexa never claimed she was going to UCSF, which educates solely in the medical and biomedical fields.  She claimed to be getting a masters at San Francisco State, which does have a Department of Sexuality Studies that offers a Master of Arts degree.

However, because San Francisco is such a small city, and the area of sexuality education – be it public (state school) or private (e.g., Good Vibrations, Center for Sex and Culture) – even smaller (really, everyone knows everyone else in sexy San Francisco), all it took was some minimal asking around (not on my part) and it was clear there was no one who fit the description of Alexa Di Carlo was getting any sort of sexuality education in San Francisco.

“Alexa” really liked San Francisco, and often tweeted about various happenings in the city as if she attended them, or they affected her in some way.  I recall that she thought it was funny that the neighborhood in which she lived had been renamed.  She also claimed to go out to lesbian clubs and pick up women for one-night stands within minutes.  Oh, there are all sorts of things she claimed to have done, like meet a guy in a parking structure near SF Museum of Modern Art with the sole purpose of having him come on her face.

I’ve had my face come on plenty and trust me, there are way easier ways than placing an ad on Craig’s List to have a stranger do it in a parking structure.  Which isn’t to say I wasn’t one of the many duped people, because I certainly did “believe” some of the writing.

And then I met someone who said she had met Alexa.  I had no reason not to believe her; really, what’s the point of saying you had met someone you hadn’t?  She said she had also seen a video of Alexa dancing at at strip club, though she said “dancing” was taking it a bit far since Alexa was pretty clumsy.

My friend (for lack of a better term) communicated with Alexa online (of course) about the professional fucking business.  My friend was considering supplementing her income as well as get a thrill out of fucking, which she liked anyway, and getting a wad of cash.  All the advice about entering into escorting says to talk to people who are already doing it, and, because it is illegal, it’s actually better to communicate in person.  My friend never met Alexa (of course), but she did meet another local escort through Alexa.

I swear.  True story.

[To be continued.]

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6 Responses to Alexa Di Carlo (Part 1)

  1. Pingback: Alexa Di Carlo (Part 2) « Random Rim Jobs

  2. Pingback: The Lady Chatterley Boudoir » Blog Archive » Pay No Attention To That Man Whacking Off Behind The Curtain: The “Alexa diCarlo” “FauxHo” Scam

  3. Pingback: Why the Alexa Di Carlo Thing Matters « The Sexademic

  4. Pingback: The Lady Chatterley Boudoir » Blog Archive » The Saga Of #FauxHo Continues: The Evidence Mounts, The Crater Drops Deeper, And PatBo Chicken(shit)s Out A “Rebuttal”

  5. Pingback: In the Beginning there was #FauxHo « theSHAMELESSharlot : Sex for Your Mind

  6. Pingback: Slut-o-ween, unmasking and Christoph Haizmann | Limpid Lech's finds

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