7:09 A.M.

I hate Henry!  Last night I was at a party with Laura and got a little intoxicated.  I was flirting with quite a few people and I couldn’t stop smiling.  Anyway, I called Henry and he was home.  I guess he could tell I was drunk by the way I was talking – I don’t know.  He supposedly had a couple of friends over and wanted to go.  I told him he should come over to my house later and he was like – Ya, ya call me later.  Then he asked me if I liked my ride home the other night and of course I said yes.  Then I told him I didn’t know what I was doing and he finally admitted that it didn’t feel as good as it could have.  But he kept telling me to call him when I get home ’cause he’d be home waiting for my call.  So I told Laura and she said I should call him back right then and get him to pick me up ’cause we were a lot closer to his house than my house.  So I tried to call him.  And tried, and tried, and tried.  He wasn’t home.  Then after Laura took me home I tried some more.  Finally his mother answered and stupid Suzanne said, “Is Henry there?”  Is that fucking stupid or what?  She hung up on me.  I guess she was expecting me to be some sort of emergency.  So not she’s gonna yell at Henry ’cause some geek let the damn phone ring all night.  So I stopped calling.

So, my big question is – Where was he?  And who was he with?  And why didn’t he call me when he got home?  Even if I wasn’t home he could have tried.  But he didn’t ’cause I’m confident I would’ve been awakened by the phone and what if he was just humoring me ’cause I was drunk?  Because that really pisses me off.  I keep thinking to myself why would he lie to me about anything but then now I’m thinking, why wouldn’t he?  Fuck.  And I am going to tell him that I am very angry at him for not being home and for shining me on.  Even Laura said I should have gone to her house hot tubbing ’cause all the other times Henry said he was going to do stuff, he hasn’t.  Well, once again Henry’s a flake.  I hate him.  Why does he do this to me?  Why do I let him?  Damn!  I have to be firm with him when I yell at him.  And I’m never calling him at home again.  And I’m sure his mother hates me now.

Henry –

I want to see you but not only because of sex.  That confirmed everything I wanted to know.  But I’ve always wanted to see you more often than we do.  Maybe now I’m willing to tell you because you’ve gotten in too.  I’m not saying anything like spending all free time together or — shit.  I want to be able to tell you I want to see you and I like you without worrying if you feel the same way.  I don’t want to play any games and I don’t want there to be any need for lies.  Don’t you like kissing?  Do you think I’m a good kisser?
