1246 AM

What does he want from me?  Does he ever think about me?  What is he afraid of?  What kind of girl am I to him?  Does he want things to become more intense or does he like them like this?  Is he seeing any other girls?  Does he like it that I’m not demanding or does that make him think I don’t care?  How much time, effort, and emotions are he wiling to invest?  Why doesn’t he trust me?  Why won’t he open up?  Why does he avoid answering questions?  How come he hasn’t asked ab out my past?  (Or have I already volunteered too much information?)  Does he like it when I hold his hand?  Does he like the contact?  Why doesn’t he ever initiate the physical?  Does he even want to?  Would he like to have sex with me?  Has he been tested?  (I’m catching Laura’s disease.)  Why isn’t he frustrated with the way things are?  The way they’re not moving and we’re not going anywhere.  Why doesn’t he get close?  Did he get hurt?  Would he ever let himself fall in love?  Why doesn’t he compliment me?  Does he think I’m pretty?  What does he like about me?  Does anything I do or say get him going?  Does he think I’m sexy?  What, if anything, does he want to do to me?  Does he always start out by playing his guitar?
