[Here's a story from a guest writer.  You're welcome to submit a sexy story if you'd like.  Email [email protected].]

The phone call came at 11:05 pm on tax day. Of course I had waited until the last minute to file my taxes, and in the haste I forgot to sign the return. “Has to be postmarked by midnight,” my accountant said. “My assistant is making one last run to the post office. Get here ASAP and sign them.”

“FUCK. I don’t want to go fucking driving now; I’m half-asleep.”

“Will you just sign my name? Write it lefty …. Hello? Hello? You there?”

Not a good idea to ask your accountant to forge your signature. She hung up. I threw on some jeans and left my hair the way it was.

By the time I got to her office, the bottle had been popped and everyone was looking a little “above the weather” from the champagne. Another tax season over!

“You’re the last one, ya freakin’ slowpoke,” she grinned. ”Sign these bad boys and have a drink.”

Well, ok; I didn’t want to be rude in a room full of women. Her three assistants choked down their champagne like shooters and split for the parking lot, each with a hand truck full of returns.

“Shouldn’t I help them load the …?”

She interrupted me with a big hug. She no doubt needed to be held after having no physical contact working 15-hour days over the last two months. “Well, this is nice,” she said, her arms around my neck and my arms around her waist.

She started to unwind the hug and said in a blush, “Oh, boy. You smell really good.”

Not cologne though. I have a great natural smell. I know it. It turns me on. It certainly wasn’t my hair, but who knows what things turn a woman on.

Her nipples popped out so they were noticeable; I looked right at them. She saw me looking and swallowed hard. I moved in as if for a kiss but stopped just to get close and to see her reaction. She smiled, gave my upper lip a peck, and licked my lips quickly while looking me in the eye. Now she had me; the taste of her saliva made me swell a little. Swelling in tight jeans makes things interesting very quickly.

One rule I’ve adopted: “If she can’t kiss well, she’s going suck in bed.” And I don’t mean oral sex-wise either. I’m talking no sense of being present and being in the moment.

We kissed slowly and gently. I brushed the backs of my fingers over her blouse right across her right nipple, and she let out a big sigh. Touching her there triggered a deep throb in a very special place. The kissing was really hot, and by now all I could think about was how far I could get my tongue and fingers up inside her. She swung the door to her office closed.

Now I had both hands going on her blouse and she was breathing pretty heavily. She grabbed at my crotch and began grinding her hand on me aggressively. Squeezing all of my cock and balls that she could grab through my jeans. The pushing and squeezing was hot, literally. The friction on my now throbbing cock became very intense from rubbing it against the rough denim of my jeans. Did I mention I was commando? Nothing like my solid cock trapped in tight jeans against the denim.

I had one hand tweeking a nipple and the other gabbing at her pussy. She was panting. I decided it was time for her to cool down – in the time it’d take me to take off her clothes.

Naturally, I had to kiss her belly right near her hip and touch her clit area lightly through her slacks as if I was tapping to a song. The staccato was just a foreshadowing of what I was going to do to her with my face. I admired the quality of the fabric of her pants.

Her pussy area was hot. I was salivating. I undid her belt and pulled her pants and thong down to her ankles. I reached my right hand between her legs and pulled her pussy to my face by cupping her ass. Her pussy was a come-y mess. My sense of manners meant I had to clean up; I was responsible for it after all.

I nuzzled my nose on her clit, which was protruding nicely. The stringy come made webs between my face and her gorgeous, perfectly waxed pussy. I submersed my whole face in her wonderfulness. There was come all over my face, hanging off my chin, and up my nose.

I stood up ….

[To be continued.]
