One year ago today, I had my IUD inserted.  In late July or early August I had a period, and I haven’t had one since.  It is glorious.  I never have to buy tampons or sanitary pads … yes, sanitary pads.  (You Distorted View Daily fans may know this reference.)

I have no worries about being stuck somewhere without a means to deal with a period mess because I never have a period mess.  When I had first started my period, and for years until I went on the Pill, I never had regular periods.  I was always paranoid that I’d embarrass myself with a bloody mess at any time.  I woke up more than once in huge pools of blood.    Gross.  And annoying.

So it’s been a year of no need to take daily pills, of not worrying about making sure my prescription’s filled, of not worrying at all that I might be pregnant.  It’s glorious.

I didn’t really name my IUD, but I sure am happy it’s in there.  Even if a condom breaks there is an infinitesimal chance I will conceive.  I have no interest in having an abortion, but I have even less interest in having a kid.  I really, really don’t want an abortion.  I’ve heard the post-abortion waiting room dubbed the “room of sadness.”  I have no desire whatsoever to be in a room that anyone has called a room of sadness.  NO DESIRE.

The IUD is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life.

I swear.  True story.
