
I don’t want to listen to Peblo Bryson.  Erica called me.  We had a nice talk – she about Michelle and her fighting me about Henry.  She really wants me to go up there but I don’t want to.  Cleo gets poop on her butt.  Henry hasn’t called.  We had a nice conversation – I was being a friend and I really didn’t feel jealous.  Cleo purrs very loudly.  I wish Henry would call me.  I want to put everything out on the line – to tell him how I feel.  But I guess he’s not gonna call.  I’ve totally broken out – I had better look better by camp time.  I have an interview at Nautilus Aerobics Plus tomorrow at 5:30.  I’m not real nervous but I would like to have the job.  The cat is very loud.  I have to get another pair of tweezers for my Swiss Army knife tomorrow – they’re only $1.25 I guess I can afford that.  I’m glad her little collar has a bell so I know where she is.  Channel 4 doesn’t come in very well.  Maybe this summer I’ll go up there.  But when I want to and when I’m ready.  My bed is shot – it goes backwards when I sit on the edge and when I’m in the middle I think it’s gonna fold in on me.  Oh well maybe I should call Mom to ask what I should do.  Get rid of all my furniture and get pillows to put all over – that’s what Henry suggested.  I’m thinking about it – turning it into a hippie pad.  NOT.  I am thinking about it but not to be a hippie.
