4:38 PM

I talked to him today.  We didn’t talk yesterday ’cause I worked late then went to the Brewer residence to tell them my story.  Then

6:16 PM

Oh Henry.  He’s at Duchess de Sade practice.  He’ll be doing that Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights.  Oh well.  Henry’s so cute.  We didn’t talk about what “happened” on Monday night but then I didn’t expect to.  He wouldn’t bring it up especially since he doesn’t really like to talk about those sorts of personal things.  But next time we see each other, I’m going to do something , I hope.  Shit, I might be too shy.  And he’s not the type to move first – like touch or hold hands if we’re not – I would have to move to do that.  Like I did in the car on the way home.  And like I had to do with Erica unless she wanted to have sex.  Why?  How?  Do I always have to do everything?  Because I’m into torture.  I should go to the store to buy some food.  I have none at all.  And I’m kind of hungry.
