There are more interesting Geminis than I thought when I began this (not so) little project.  Continued from “Geminis, Y’All (Part 1).”

Cool as shit:

  • Escher, M.C. (June 17):  His stuff is just fun to look at.
  • Farrell, Colin (May 31):   Sure he’s cute, but I really liked In Bruges.
  • Franken, Al (May 21):  Smart and funny, but still not hot.
  • Freeman, Morgan (June 1):  In a lot of really good movies.  Pretty creeped out by the relationship he had with his step-granddaughter though.
  • Garland, Judy (June 10):  It’s really cool that she did so many pharmaceuticals.
  • Giamatti, Paul (June 6):  Funny-looking dude but a damn good actor.  Same birthday as DJ.
  • Ginsberg, Allen (June 3):  Howl is just damn cool.
  • Goodman, John (June 20):  Who doesn’t love John Goodman?  No one, that’s who.
  • Gray, Spalding (June 5):  He has a cool name, and I suppose he was pretty funny before he offed himself.
  • Grier, Pam (May 26):  There is no doubt Pam Grier is cool.  From Coffy to “The L Word” and everything in between, just damn cool.
  • Griffith, Andy (June 1):  I still watch “The Andy Griffith Show” every once in a while.
  • Hawks, Howard (May 30):  He directed some very good movies, such as His Girl Friday and The Big Sleep.
  • Hinckley, John Jr. (May 29):  Hey, I’d want to impress Jodi Foster, too.  And I recall my mother being happy about the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan. I was just a kid, forgive me.
  • Hope, Bob (May 29):  I liked his goofy slapstick movies when I was a kid.  No, I did not see them in the theaters.  I was home alone with cable a lot when I was a kid.
  • Hurley, Elizabeth (June 10):  She’s all saucy and British and shit.
  • Jewel (May 23):  I think that snaggle tooth is sexy.
  • Jolie, Angelina (June 4):  I liked her first husband, Jonny Lee Miller, in Trainspotting.
  • Jones, Tom (June 7):  I “fell in love” with Tom Jones when I was in Thailand.  The Thai Tom Jones is hot.  And the real Tom Jones is a drinker.

Luke warm shit:

  • Etheridge, Melissa (May 29):  Yeah, it’s cool that she’s an out lesbian, but her music does nothing for me.
  • Fleming, Ian (May 28):  James Bond’s creator.  Whatever.
  • Flynn, Errol (June 20):  I’ve never seen any of his movies, but I suppose he was good looking.
  • Fox, Michael J. (June 9):  Never thought he was even a little cute.
  • Frank, Anne (June 12):  Maybe if I’d ever read her diary, which I’m sure she wanted kept private, I’d feel differently.  But I didn’t, so I don’t.
  • Gehrig, Lou (June 19):  I guess he played baseball.  Sorry about that disease, dude.
  • Gingrich, Newt (June 17):  Yuck.
  • Giuliani, Rudy (May 28):  He has some messed up hair.
  • Goodman, Benny (May 30):  Not to into swing thing.  At least musically.
  • Graf, Steffi (June 14):  I don’t really care about tennis, but it is interesting that Andre Agassi has married two Geminis, Steffi and Brooke Shields (May 31).
  • Guevara, Che (June 14):  I’m certainly not about to wear an item of clothing with his face on it, but Gael García Bernal played him in The Motorcycle Diaries, which means he’s hot by association.
  • Hammett, Dashiell (May 27):  He wrote detective novels and shit.
  • Hardy, Thomas (June 2):  I really should read some of my fellow Geminis’ stuff.  I’m in good company, I guess.
  • Heche, Anne (May 25):  Bisexual and whacked out on drugs.  Hmmm.  Oh, she has a kid.  Yuck.  That’s why she’s here and not above.
  • Humphrey, Hubert H. (May 27):  Yeah, he was President, but he wasn’t all that.
  • Hunt, Helen (June 15):  She has a huge forehead.
  • Ice Cube (June 15):  I love Friday but his stupid-ass “family” movies scream, “Paycheck!” in a bad way.  I understand calming down in ones old age, but he is ridiculous.
  • Iverson, Allen (June 7):  Basketball?
  • Jennings, Waylon (June 15):  I’m not too into country music, but I have a good friend who is.
  • Jindal, Bobby (June 10):  Creepy governor of Louisiana.
  • Jolie-Pitt, Shiloh (May 27):  She’s just a kid, so I shouldn’t think badly, but the poor thing has the first name of a dog.

[To be continued ….]

I swear.  True story.
