Dolores Park on a sunny Saturday or Sunday is great for people watching; not so good for dog play.  I took Isis on a gorgeous Sunday afternoon.  This was the scene.  Lots of lovely bodies.  The day reminded me of a friend I’ve not seen in a while.  We met via Twitter and have mostly hung out in Dolores Park.  I called him, but he had to work.  Too bad, such a gorgeous day.

I found a tennis ball and threw it down a hill for Isis.  She excitedly ran after it … and lost it in the grass.  Isis isn’t the brightest dog, but she is cute.  She found the ball and thereafter would not come near me.  She’s not too good at playing catch.  Well, she does catch, but only once.  She lie in the grass and chewed on the tennis ball.  I sat and relaxed.  The grass was tall and cool.  The air was still.  The sun was warm.  I had put on sunscreen, per usual, so I felt it wasn’t too, too harmful to get a bit of sun.  Besides, I need vitamin D.

I lie back, shut my eyes, and felt the sun on my face.  After a bit of time the sun’s heat penetrated my clothes.  I was warm all over.  I began to fantasize about having someone on top of me, inside me, fucking me, his body blocking out the sun.

Then I watched people.  The guy next to me was also alone.  He had his shirt off.  I appreciated very much the tattoo he had down his right ribcage.  I also appreciated his muscular torso.  There was a growing group of people down the hill.  One-by-one the group got larger, with each addition being brought in by an existing member on a cell phone.

Isis had obliterated the ball, and without anyone to talk to, sitting in the park for an extended period of time was kind of boring.  We walked home, admiring the Mission folks on the way.

I swear.  True story.
