1:01 AM

Asked Henry if he thought Madonna was sexy and if he’d like to have sex with her.  He said yes to both accounts and said he’d like the challenge to overtake her in bed.  Now that doesn’t sound like Henry at all.  I mean it doesn’t go along with the previous image I had of him – the sweet Catholic virgin mama’s boy.  But I think he’s proven to me that what you see is not what you get.  But after I knew he had sex, I thought he’d be really quiet in uniform position, I don’t know, sort of boring.  But then I should have remembered the six hours he said.  Anyway, he also said the thought of physical force during sex didn’t really excite him – games and domination don’t really have to include physical force.  He just surprises me all the time.  Now I’m jealous – do I do that to him?  Does he want me to?  I want to be mysterious and interesting.  Now I have to rethink all my fantasies – not that I usually mind.  The thing about him liking a challenge – wow.  Am I being too easy?  Shit.  I hate it when it’s too easy for me to get things – I lose interest.  I’ll have to ask him if he does.  I think they got a bird upstairs or something ’cause I can hear a very loud bird.  Oh he said he’d take me to Club Lingerie to see Duchess de Sade .  Oh, how sweet, I’m “dating” someone.  I’d like to see how he is with Barb (lead singer, ex-stripper, body piercing that Henry has seen), Kirby (bass player, lots of tattoos), and the drummer (forgot her name ’cause he doesn’t talk about her as much).  I wonder if he is now or has in the past had sex with them.  And of course I couldn’t just come out and ask him for three reasons:  1) I wouldn’t want him to know that I’m that interested in knowing; 2) I would be afraid of the answer – what if he’s fucking them all at every practice? and 3) he wouldn’t tell me anyway.  This guy, I don’t know.
