I met TT through America On Line.  You kids may not remember, back in the early 1990s when the people who had internet access had very slow dial-up modems that utilized their land line phone lines.  The modem called a certain phone number, from which internet access was gained.  Oftentimes the certain phone number was long distance, for which the phone company charged by the minute.  But even if the number called was not long distance, AOL charged by the minute for the privilege of using their service.

Consequently, I spent a lot of money on AOL.  I used AOL not for any academic purpose, but to chat online.  As with most things online, there were a lot of men and very few women so I felt like a hot commodity.  I liked the attention, even if I did have to pay for it.

Many of the men with whom I chatted were not local; some were.  One local, TT, began to woo me hard.  He told me he had a girlfriend so in my naivete I thought that meant he was safe, that he didn’t want to hit on me because his romantic needs were being fulfilled.  I had never heard of relationships that were openly anything other than monogamous.  I had certainly heard of cheating, but I had also heard that straight men and women could be friends.

TT told me he loved the beach in general and sunbathing in particular.  I was (and am) very pale and prone to burning and freckling, though I did like the feeling of the sun on my skin.  So, armed with a very high SPF sunscreen and with orders that TT bring a beach umbrella, we planned to go to the beach.

TT picked me up in his Mustang.  It was packed with beach gear.  He drove us from Pasadena to a beach, the name or location of which I do not recall.  The drive took over an hour.  Over an hour of TT’s driving, to which I was just then being introduced.  I didn’t know at the time, but TT had some vision problems that affected his ability to drive completely safely.  What was obvious on that drive to the beach was that TT was easily distracted – that day by the fresh, 21-year-0ld, bisexual, loud, sex-talking, smart ass that was me back then.

He was so easily distracted during our drive that his Mustang often veered out of our lane, much to the honking panic of other drivers on the freeway.  TT, however, didn’t understand why I was so worried.  After all, he’d not actually hit any other cars.  I found it hard to believe he was sober.

Once at the beach he doted on me.  He helped me apply sunscreen; he set up the beach umbrella so I was mostly in the shade; he provided me with snacks and drinks.  It was a lovely time at the beach.  We left the beach when it started to get cold.  We drove back to Pasadena.  We were both having fun and didn’t want the day to end so we decided to go out to dinner.

TT was one of those early adopters; he had the latest of technology, including a car phone (cause it was a car phone, not a cell phone) back in the early 1990s.  When we were within range, on the way to the restaurant, he called his girlfriend.  From what I could hear from his end of the conversation everything was fine; we were going to dinner.  And I thought everything was fine until a very pissed off-looking woman approached our table.  TT introduced us but she had nothing to say to me.  TT handed her a set of keys and she left.

Well, that was odd.  He said she had forgotten her set of keys to her place and she was tired and that I shouldn’t take her behavior personally.  Fine, I wouldn’t.  We finished our dinner and then he drove me home.

I was single at the time and hadn’t been physically affectionate with anyone for quite some time so when he offered to cuddle with me as I fell asleep I was grateful rather than suspicious.  Well, I was dumb – naive – enough to think the cuddle session was just as platonic to him as it was to me.  However, when I felt his erection poke my butt I knew that wasn’t the case.  Maybe his girlfriend had reason to be upset, only not at me.

We continued to be friends despite his inappropriate boner.

[To be continued ….]

I swear.  True story.
