[Continued from "Thanksgiving (Part 1)."]

Once in the bedroom the four of us began fooling around.  When the guy revealed his little thing I hope the look of disappointment on my face wasn’t too transparent; clearly none of my fantasies of getting fucked with two huge cocks were going to be realized that night.  Poor guy must’ve realized that he most definitely did not measure up to Thanksgiving cock-wise because the two men were never in the same visual space, even in my very small bedroom.

I tried very hard not to show that I thought the guy’s weenie was tiny.  That I knew it was tiny.  And apparently so did she.  She, however, went above and beyond not showing her disappointment to pretending like his dick was big.  When she sucked his cock she gagged, a lot.  At the time I thought she just wasn’t very experienced at cock sucking to be having that much trouble sucking that little thing off.  When I put that teeny peenie in my mouth I treated it like a bubble tea straw.

I went down on her.  She came (or pretended to come) way too easily.  I barely got the tip of my tongue on her clit when she acted like I was rocking her world.  I like getting my face wet with pussy and finger fucking a cunt good and hard to get a lady to come; I barely even tasted clit at that point.

She then went down on Thanksgiving.  And this is how I know she was acting when she was sucking the guy’s pee-pee:  She deepthroated Thanksgiving.  I had never deepthroated Thanksgiving, and he made it clear that she was taking in more cock than I ever had; that she was doing a much better job sucking is cock than ever I did.

I don’t think sex should be a competition; it should be fun.  I said nothing, but felt angry that he was trying to antagonize me.

Then Thanksgiving fucked her in a way that was clearly not nice.  She definitely seemed like she was getting fucked too hard.  Thanksgiving had a maniacal grin on his face.  I told him to back off multiple times.  Finally, I offered to take over as the fuckee.  She commented that he was being very vigorous, but I made it clear that he and I were used to each other and that I was fine.

After they left I asked him why he was such an asshole.  He said he thought it was funny to put us ladies in competition with each other, and he grudge fucked her because he got vibes that she didn’t really want to fuck him.  What a shithead.

We didn’t see each other again for a while.  When we did, he seemed to be in the submissive part of his cycle, because he kept asking me to arrange for him to suck cock.  Ok, sure.

Thanksgiving was bisexual and not at all ashamed of it, but he liked being “forced” to do things with men by women.  He wanted me to be in charge.  I placed an ad on Craig’s List under Casual Encounters mw4m.

The guy showed up and I poured him a glass of wine.  I explained what we would be doing.  The guy was nervous; he claimed he’d been wanting to be with a guy for a while but was too scared.  I assured him that getting a blow job from a guy — and with a woman present — was a perfect introduction to man-on-man sex.

We continued to chit-chat.  Thanksgiving was upstairs in my bedroom, blindfolded.  We were within Thanksgiving’s earshot; I wanted him apprehensive for what was about to happen.  We went up to my room where Thanksgiving was on my bed.  I could tell he was agitated.  I told the guy to pull out his cock and stick it in Thanksgiving’s mouth.

After that no directions were necessary.  Thanksgiving eagerly sucked on the guy’s cock.  Eventually, I, too, sucked the guy’s cock and Thanksgiving removed his blindfold.  I don’t think I ever removed my pants.

I know I drank a significant amount of red wine that night, and that a lot of red wine plus cock sucking equals red wine stains on the ceiling.  Not every time, of course, but that night somehow red wine ended up on my bedroom ceiling.  The stains are still there.

Thanksgiving loved that experience so much he wanted to up the ante.  He wanted me to place ads in CE m4m for him.  Again, he had no problem getting guys to fool around with on his own, but he liked the idea of me forcing him to be with men.

He tried several times to get me to do this.  He would text me letting me know he’d be home alone for the next x number of hours so I could place an ad on Craig’s List and send guys to his house, where his door would be unlocked, so they could fuck him.  He wanted me to send guys to fuck him sight unseen and with little more screening than that they could respond to a Craig’s List ad.

This made me extremely uncomfortable because it is so unsafe.  Finally, after ignoring several of his texts I told him that he was too far out there for me.  I like my sex a little dangerous, but I did not want the responsibility of possibly getting him hurt, or worse.

I last saw Thanksgiving on New Years 2009.  I was with the Ex and Roomie (the Ex’s girlfriend) and had no interest in awkward introductions, so I hid myself amongst the crowd and avoided him.

I swear.  True story.
