I met Thanksgiving through Craig’s List.  On Thanksgiving 2007.

The previous three Thanksgivings the Ex and I had an orphans’ dinner at our place.  Along with the Ex went a lot of my so-called friends.  Even if I still had any friends I was unable to keep it together enough to plan and execute a meal, even a potluck.  I was a fucking mess.

The few friends I still had were being distant at best.  Understandably they didn’t know how to deal with me at the time.  Nonetheless one friend, Liz, invited me over for Thanksgiving dinner.

I took a cab over to her house even though it was within walking distance because I had a pumpkin pie and cookies I had made to contribute to the dinner.  I arrived at Liz’s house and met the other attendees at the dinner, a married couple.

I was still feeling a lot of shame over having participated in the destruction of my marriage.  The couple was nice and told me that they had been married before they married each other, and that I’d get over feeling so shitty about myself.

I, however, was not ready to hear that, or to forgive myself, so I began drinking.  A lot.

Of course we ate, but I never got a chance to taste any of the pie or cookies I had brought because I left well before dessert.  I was quite drunk, and, according to what Liz told me later, had insisted on walking home.  She insisted I take a cab, and put me in one.

Once home I sought the comfort of my computer and lovely Craig’s List.  The guy who showed up was about six feet tall, roughly ten years older than me, and kind of dorky.  The dork factor came in because he had big ears that stuck out.

We chatted a bit.  I think I drank — and spilled — some more wine.  We fucked.

The next day Liz called me to make sure I was ok and then gave me a bullshit “you’re too smart and good to be behaving in such a way” speech.  I thanked her for inviting me to dinner, apologized for getting too drunk, and told her I knew she was right, but my behavior continued pretty much on the same drunken path.

Apparently Liz thought a speech from her was all that was needed for me to whip myself into shape when I felt like everything was going wrong in my life, the boring details of which I’ll not recount.  It was not.  So instead of being a supportive, if absentee, friend, Liz later didn’t allow me in her home when she hosted a baby shower for a mutual friend, even after I promised to behave myself.  People don’t even serve alcohol at baby showers anyway, right?  Out of respect for the mother-to-be?  So I wish shitty, shitty things on Liz.  I hope life kicks her ass and she has some difficulty dealing with it.  Maybe then she’ll have some fucking empathy.

I’m not sure who, how, or why, but Thanksgiving and I kept in occasional contact with each other.  He would come over, we’d have sex.  Despite his dorky looks he had a nice, thin, body, was just rough enough in bed, and he had a great, big cock.  He had amazing stamina and a short refractory period that allowed him to pound away at me for a long time, come, and then pretty quickly do it all over again.

One night he was over when a guy I had just begun seeing called.  The guy on the phone was, well, odd.  He said he wanted a threesome with me and another guy, I told him Thanksgiving was willing, but he didn’t want to come over, even to just meet.  I tried to convince him to come over.

The phone conversation eventually ended up with my phone on the kitchen floor.  I was bent over at the waist grabbing the handle to the broiler while Thanksgiving fucked me from behind, nice and hard.  The guy listened to Thanksgiving and I fuck for a while.  He even commented that we had been going at it for a long time.  He still did not come over and things with that guy eventually ended very poorly (and all the facts make me look like a fucking idiot so I’m not sure if I’ll ever write it down).

On another occasion Thanksgiving and I advertised on Craig’s List so we could fuck a heterosexual couple.  We were in the mood for instant gratification so our CL listing directed anyone who responded to the ad to send pictures.  We weeded through the photos, and then gave Thanksgiving’s cell number to those whom we wanted to voice-verify.  We wanted to make sure that there would be an actual lady in the couple who would arrive at my house.  We settled on a couple after she and I chatted on the phone for a bit.

The couple that showed up was not exactly as advertised.  She did have pretty strawberry blonde hair.  She did have lovely, soft, pale skin.  But she also had about twenty pounds around her middle that she neglected to mention.  Call me shallow, but I think that is something that should be disclosed so all parties are fully-informed.

He did have tattoos.  He he did have a cute face.  He neglected to mention that he had a tiny peter.  Call me shallow, but I think that is something that should be disclosed so all parties are fully-informed.

The guys went outside to smoke while us ladies chit-chatted inside.  Then the “couples” (it had been revealed that they were no more a couple than were Thanksgiving and I) talked separately.  Thanksgiving told me that the guy was under the impression that the guys were to watch us ladies only.

Thanksgiving and I had placed what we thought was a clear ad.  We wanted all four of us to fool around, including the guys.  Thanksgiving was willing to forgo cock but I most definitely was not.  Pussy is great, I dig it a whole lot, but I wasn’t about to put on a stage show for the two guys.

I swear.  True story.

[To be continued, of course.]
