I hate that you’re not repulsed by me. I hate that you think I’m sexy. I hate you. I hate that you find me interesting. I hate that you like me. I hate that you’re willing to fuck me. I hate you. I hate that you feel helpless. I hate that you are so fucking stupid. I hate that you have no ambition. I hate that you are so disgusting

I hate you for trying to cheer me up. I hate your voice. I hate you. I hate that you’re nice to me. I hate that you find me charming. I hate that you don’t call any more. I hate that you don’t give me a reason. I hate.

I hate that you look like your mother. I hate that you can’t be responsible.

I hate that this is life. I hate that I can’t blame this on hormones.

I hate myself.

[I know this isn't my usual cheery shit, but after seeing myself on tv and killing my computer I'm not in the best state of mind.]

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