This working thing is actually going pretty well. So far some people have pissed me off, but I don’t give a shit. You don’t like what I do? Ok, I don’t care, let someone else step up to the plate.

What is happening is that my back hurts.  I believe it’s my latissimus dorsi muscles that have been taxed recently.  I’ll have to figure out a way to strengthen the muscles because this pain is hardly pleasant.

Along with the back pain I’m not getting laid – at all.  There just isn’t any time.  I now have five (not counting RRJ) part-time gigs that are definitely keeping me busy.  And dammit I have to sleep a lot, because, well, I just do.  I need more sleep than many.

So I’m tired and soon it will have been two weeks (!) since a cock has been in my mouth and my ass, and I-don’t-even-know-how-long since a cock went in my pussy.  Good thing one of my gigs is testing sex toys.

Also a good thing is that I’ll soon be auctioned off.  Yes, I’m chattel.  (Oh my, but that’s extra hot to see in print.)  I’m one of the unicorns to whom the latest Bawdy Storytelling will be dedicated.  It’s Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at the Blue Macaw.  If you’re lucky you could get a date with me.

I swear.  True story.

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