I tried, twice.

Maybe social events where everyone happens to get fucked by a fucking machine aren’t for me.  Either way, I’m a tad disappointed in myself, and surprised.

I went to a friend’s house for the specific purpose of utilizing the fucking machine.  Fucking machines being what they are – either expensive, or feats of engineering, or both – they are not all that common, at least amongst my crowd.  So when someone has one she understandably wants to share the wealth.

There were four of us ladies, our hostess Nadia Boots, Minax, Margo, and I.  Right away Nadia introduced me to the machine.  It looked robotic, but had a big phallus on it, so I could definitely see the appeal.

While Ms. Boots showed me around her cool apartment Minax and Margo spent some time with the machine.  When we walked by the room the ladies seemed to be having a lovely time.

Our hostess and I got me some drinks and put out some snacky food.  Eventually Minax joined us in the kitchen; she said Margo wanted to be alone with the machine.  Minax got about to making a great dinner of lamb chops with rosemary salt, dandelion greens, and romaine salad with black olive dressing.  Needless to say, it was delicious.

But before we sat to eat Margo joined the three of us in the kitchen.  She was clearly spent.  She looked relaxed, with hooded eyelids and the barest hint of a grin.  She announced that she liked the fucking machine very much.

While there I received a phone call from a friend, Mr. Zip, a friend with whom I have threesomes.  Which wouldn’t be all that interesting except that it came out in our conversation that he and Margo had recently met, and were considering some fun, sexy times.  San Francisco is so fucking small.  I told Margo Mr. Zip has a big cock and generally gave him the thumbs up.

After dinner the four of us again greeted the machine.  Nadia even got dressed up for him in a sexy lace-trimmed slip.  Everyone took turns with him, trying different positions.

I tried reclining on the couch with my legs spread and the machine fucking my pussy.  I had a Magic Wand on my clit.  And then … nothing.

A variation of this is how I masturbate to hard, fun come; with a phallic dildo or vibrator in my pussy and a Magic Wand on my clit.  Only I’m alone.

Exhibitionist I am not, and if I had any thoughts that I was they were crushed that night.  Having the room illuminated, everyone knowing me and looking at me, my body just did not perform.  That machine could have been fucking me, and the Magic Wand vibrating my clit, for a significant amount of time without me coming given that set of circumstances.

I’ve had relatively public sex, and been caught on a number of occasions, including my first time having vaginal intercourse ever.  But getting caught hasn’t completely stopped me from fantasizing about having public sex or from having public sex.

My latest fantasy involves kneeling on a bar working my way from one end to the other sucking the guys off.

I like going to Club Kiss, which is arguably public sex (in a private club), but the lights are low, I know very few of the people in attendence, and I’m usually focused on whichever partner with whom I’m there.

Nadia could see that things were not going to happen for me, and had me make way for someone else to get it from the fucking machine.  All five (four ladies and the machine) of us became intertwined.

Things got a little fuzzy.  I was drinking and also things were sexy fucking hot and made me loopy.  I pulled hair I shouldn’t have.  I bit someone I shouldn’t have.

I should have – and did – put on a glove, lube up my fingers, and slide them into Minax’s ass.  Just one finger at first.  And then she asked for another finger.  I fucking love it when someone asks me for more.

It was amazing the way the machine was fucking Minax.  The phallus was not going into her pussy, but was going between her labia minora, which were pierced together.  The dildo, which was attached to the fucking machine was fucking the length of her vulva, between her labia, and behind the piercings.  Un-fucking-believable.

It was amazing to see, but according to Minax’s reaction she had way more fun than mere voyeurism could provide.  It was fucking fabulous.  And then she squirted.  Amazing.  I’d like to think I helped out a bit.

I’d been squirted on before, and I’ll write about the first time eventually, but nonetheless, having a woman come so hard she squirts is definitely a bit of an ego boost.

Minax was nice enough to share her cab with me.  I do hope to see her again (NOT to date) because she is such a cool and interesting woman, and a great cook to boot.

The next night I went back for more ….

I swear.  True story.

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