10:28 pm

Another weekend goes by, another week of pain, oh well, it’s worth it right?  Saturday Erica told me she wanted to live with me and that I’m good for her, why didn’t she see it before, etc.  Whenever we’re together we don’t do much but have sex.  I don’t know if that’s good or bad but oh well.  Sunday she came over here (ha, bad pun) and we attempted to watch 9 1/2 Weeks.  Of course we didn’t see the whole thing.  I have never seen a whole movie with her but am I complaining?  I was supposed to be at work but called in sick so I couldn’t be home.  We all, including [Step-Sister], went over to Shannon’s.  We tried to watch A Clockwork Orange but Shannon’s mom got quite offended.  Erica was in a tissy [sic] so she went upstairs, where I soon followed.  We were doing stuff with [Step-Sister] downstairs, which almost made it more exciting.  But then [Step-Sister] and Shannon came up to talk to us, etc.  Shannon has some terrible timing but at least she was loud enough going up the stairs to warn us.  They left (thank God) and we were happy.  Shannon told us that Ryan was there but Erica said to say she wasn’t there.  She told me how sexy my mouth was and how classic my face.  She sucked on my lips so much that my bottom one is bruised.  (It looks like I sucked on a pen.)  Then she was fucking me and I wanted it harder but she said she wanted to be gentle and for me to do it myself.  So I arranged her hand so I could put my body into it.  But that wasn’t what she meant, she meant for me to do it myself.  I was a wee-bit surprised because she always talks badly about masturbation like it’s gross. Si I did it in front of her and … Shannon knocked on the door.  The woman has some awesome timing.  Erica asked if I had ever done that before and I said not in front of anyone but by myself.  I wonder if she’s ever watched anyone before.  Maybe, but from the way she’s talked, I don’t think so.  She said something like new experience so maybe. I wonder when I’ll surpass Juree.  I want to be better than her, I want Erica to “get off” more with me.  She said that really, really turned her on.  Well, I hope so.  I asked if it was just going to keep getting better and she said she’ll make sure of it.  So I’m looking forward to next weekend, I don’t feel dirty all all, I don’t feel like that’s the only reason she likes me, like I have with guys.

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