I’m not a consumer of porn. I swear. True story.

I’ve nothing against porn, have been PA on porn sets, and even won a free membership to Kink.com’s Everything Butt site because of my ass, so I fully support porn, I just don’t happen to like it all that much.

Problem is I get hyper-critical. I notice razor burn, and ass pimples, and douchey hair, and shitty catchphrases, and faked orgasms, and wrinkled sheets, and tacky sets.  Which don’t make for sexy times for the most part.

But I’ve recently been on a porn sets, and they’re fucking hot.  What was hot was that the talent (as in-front-of-the-camera porn folk are called) were clearly into each other; that they most definitely had real, unassisted-by-pharmaceuticals orgasms; and that they were sexy, intelligent people.  And the behind-the-scenes folk are damn cool too.

Or maybe I’ve just lucked out because my porn set attendance has been in San Francisco.  I’ve not yet seen surgically enhanced breasts or evidence of misuse of medication intended to treat erectile dysfunction, and not one person appeared to be under the influence of anything stronger than caffeine.

Oh yeah, and everyone, without exception, is really very nice.  Then there are the cocks and the pussies — also very nice.

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